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National AAPI Conference Call for Immigration Reform
Featuring Congressmember Mike Honda (confirmed) and Congressmember Judy Chu (confirmed)
Friday, October, 11, 2013
1pm PST / 3pm CST / 4pm EST
To RSVP and receive conference call-in instructions, please contact Emily Kessel at
Now is the time to ensure that an immigration reform bill is brought to the floor for debate in the House. Immigration reform is a priority for AAPI communities and our voices must be heard. NAKASEC (National Korean American Services & Education Consortium) and its local affiliates, the Korean Resource Center and the Korean American Resource and Cultural Center will host a conference call featuring Congressmember Mike Honda (Immigration Taskforce Chair of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus) to discuss the importance of immigration reform for AAPI communities and America and Congressmember Judy Chu (CA-17) to speak about the H.R. 15, House Democrat bill.