Call to Action!!
On Tuesday, November 26, the Fast for Families announced the escalation of pressure to Speaker John Boehner to bring a vote on an immigration reform proposal with a pathway to citizenship and that keeps families together. From December 1st to 3rd communities across the nation are called to participate in a time of action, fasting, and prayer.
Ways to Participate:
If you take part in a fast, prayer vigil, or rally for the National Days of Act, Fast & Pray (December 1-3), take a photo with a message of support and share it with us!
• Twitter @nakasec #fast4families #timeisnow
• Facebook @nakasec
• Email with the Subject Title: “Fast4Families Solidarity Fast Alert!”
1. Organize a solidarity fast in your community. Fast for a day or more.
2. Hold a vigil or prayer service at your place of worship.
3. Call Speaker Boehner at: 202-225-0600 and urge him to bring immigration reform for a vote.
Sample script: “As a member of the Korean American community, I am calling upon you, Speaker Boehner, to have a heart for immigrant families and put a bill to the floor for a vote!”
4. Visit the Fast for Families tent at the National Mall in Washington DC.
Meet with the fasters to show your support and solidarity in urging lawmakers to bring immigration reform to a vote. Fasters will be at the tent during the daytime hours throughout the 3 days.