Fast for Families Across America is in Bend, OR!
1. AAPI Teleconference at 9am PST/ 11am CST/ 12pm EST
Help promote today’s events by following Fast for Families and show some love to the National Korean American Service & Education Consortium (NAKASEC), Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon (APANO)
Give a shout out to the speakers!
2. Bend, OR Press Event
*A special shout out to Paolo Esteban from APANO!
#fast4families #timeisnow #keepingfamiliestogether #AAPIs4Families
Handles (in addition to your own):
AAPI Organization:
@nakasec @djnakasec
District Representative:
Local Media: @bvrtnReporter @oregonian @theportlandtrib @KXLnews @oregonianpol @KGWnews @janiehar1 @ordems @allen_alley