Call to Action!

11/4 Week of Action

The time for Immigration Reform is NOW. Our families and our community can no longer wait. Members of Congress are shifting their attention to the debt ceiling and the aftermath of the recent government shutdown. Some are saying that immigration reform is no longer current, and that now is not the time to discuss the issue. This week marks the beginning of KRC (Korean Resource Center)’s efforts to keep immigration reform on the agenda. We are going to show Congressman Ed Royce that his constituents disagree. The residents of California’s 39th district are ready for Ed Royce to truly represent them.
This web page is a medium for partnering organizations and community advocates to echo the message of immigration reform remotely. It is an effort that KRC is leading in Southern California, but it is an opportunity for people that are not present to contribute to the week of action from wherever they are.

Ways to Participate:

Please call your Congressmember today and let him know that the community supports creating a new immigration process that provides citizenship for all. 에드 로이스 연방하원의원이 포괄적 이민 개혁 법안에 찬성하도록 전화를 하세요.

To call Congressmember Royce, simply dial (714) 255-0101 and say:

“Hello. My name is (your name) and I live in your district at (your address). I urge Congressmember Royce to support a new immigration process that lives up to the American Dream, keeps families together, and includes a roadmap to citizenship. Thank you.”

11/4 Week of Action: Social Media

  • Retweet KRC’s posts on Twitter
  • Share KRC’s real-time Facebook posts regarding the events
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Please check back for additional information about the 11/4 Week of Action, co-sponsored by KRC and NAKASEC.

New “Messaging/Talking Point” Materials

Now available in English and Korean for faith and small business owners.

Please feel free to these materials for your outreach efforts. They can found under the “Campaign Materials” tab and are listed below.

Small Business-based Messaging (ENG)

Small Business-based Messaging (KOR)

Faith-based Messaging (ENG)

Faith-Based Messaging (KOR)

DREAM legislation talking points (ENG)

Stepping Up (ENG)

“Immigration Reform is Next on the Agenda” Message Guide (ENG)

Don’t Stay On Message: Using Strategic Framing to Move the Public Discourse On Immigration (ENG)

“Everybody Knows We Have the Votes” Message Guide (ENG)
Note: The listed sources are from: We Belong Together, Frame Works Institute, Alliance 4 Citizenship, Immigration Policy Center, LA Times, United We Dream

Time to Act: Sign-on here!

Note: Additional sign-on materials can be found under the “Campaign Material” tab.

[googleapps domain=”docs” dir=”forms/d/1gwoIIoJELvk6YJWhvogUZes_LEF16Crg0ZTb9ZK0HL0/viewform” query=”embedded=true” width=”760″ height=”500″ /]

Sign-on Letter Campaign

Below are Request Letters and Sign-on Forms  for the National AAPI Campaign for Immigration Reform. Electronic sign-on forms are available. Feel free to use these templates and adjust the information to fit your organization.

Please check back for more material resources.

Printable Forms:



Sign On Letter-Faith_ENG

Sign On Letter-SBO_ENG

Electronic Forms:

Sign On- ENG

National AAPI Conference Call for Immigration Reform

Save The Date

National AAPI Conference Call for Immigration Reform

Featuring Congressmember Mike Honda (confirmed) and Congressmember Judy Chu (confirmed)

Friday, October, 11, 2013

1pm PST / 3pm CST / 4pm EST

To RSVP and receive conference call-in instructions, please contact Emily Kessel at

Now is the time to ensure that an immigration reform bill is brought to the floor for debate in the House. Immigration reform is a priority for AAPI communities and our voices must be heard. NAKASEC (National Korean American Services & Education Consortium) and its local affiliates, the Korean Resource Center and the Korean American Resource and Cultural Center will host a conference call featuring Congressmember Mike Honda (Immigration Taskforce Chair of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus) to discuss the importance of immigration reform for AAPI communities and America and Congressmember Judy Chu (CA-17) to speak about the H.R. 15, House Democrat bill.

Stand with Families: Time to Act

National AAPI (Asian American Pacific Islander) Campaign

Statement of Purpose:

To ensure that an immigration reform bill is brought to the floor for debate in the House,  NAKASEC (the National Korean American Resources & Education Consortium) and its affiliates, the KRC (Korean Resource Center) in Los Angeles and KRCC (Korean American Resource and Cultural Center) in Chicago, are partnering with other AAPI immigration organizations to engage community members who are affected by today’s broken immigration system.

Now is the critical time to support a comprehensive immigration reform that:
1. Provides a clear, affordable and timely roadmap to citizenship.
2. Keeps family members together by reducing the backlogs and preserving the family immigration system.
3. Protects all workers.
4. Promotes immigrant integration services.
5. Preserves civil liberties and due process rights for all.

Immigration reform is a priority for AAPI communities and our voices must be heard. Let’s work together to  ensure that Congress acts this year!


Check out this website ( to support and learn about our current actions and future field strategies.