Updates!With days left in the Congressional calendar, the immigrant rights movement is ramping up activities to emphasize the urgency of passing immigration reform. The Fast for Families is part of many actions around the country. Read here a timely New York Times opinion piece on the need for leadership and courage on the issue.
The Korean American community has been galvanized to act. Each day, NAKASEC and its centers receive calls from community members pledging to join the fast. Read more about the coverage from WKTV News, KyungHyang Shinmun, and SBS. |
Monthly Archives: November 2013
Call to Action: National Days to Act, Fast & Pray
Call to Action!!
On Tuesday, November 26, the Fast for Families announced the escalation of pressure to Speaker John Boehner to bring a vote on an immigration reform proposal with a pathway to citizenship and that keeps families together. From December 1st to 3rd communities across the nation are called to participate in a time of action, fasting, and prayer.
Ways to Participate:
If you take part in a fast, prayer vigil, or rally for the National Days of Act, Fast & Pray (December 1-3), take a photo with a message of support and share it with us!
• Twitter @nakasec #fast4families #timeisnow
• Facebook @nakasec
• Email eakessel@nakasec.org with the Subject Title: “Fast4Families Solidarity Fast Alert!”
1. Organize a solidarity fast in your community. Fast for a day or more.
2. Hold a vigil or prayer service at your place of worship.
3. Call Speaker Boehner at: 202-225-0600 and urge him to bring immigration reform for a vote.
Sample script: “As a member of the Korean American community, I am calling upon you, Speaker Boehner, to have a heart for immigrant families and put a bill to the floor for a vote!”
4. Visit the Fast for Families tent at the National Mall in Washington DC.
Meet with the fasters to show your support and solidarity in urging lawmakers to bring immigration reform to a vote. Fasters will be at the tent during the daytime hours throughout the 3 days.
Message from Community Members in Los Angeles to Fast4Families Fasters
Press the “CC” button on the bottom right to view English subtitles.
Fast for Families: Days 5 through 10
DAY 5: Saturday, November 16
We Welcome Our Visitors The Fast for Families is drawing attention from political and faith leaders and the NAKASEC family. On Saturday, NAKASEC board and supporters came to visit NAKASEC executive director Dae Joong Yoon and Mr. Jung, and to show their support for the fasters and their dedication to immigrant families. Nanwon Kang, NAKASEC board member: “Wan-Mo and I came to visit from New Jersey because we are very strong believers in the unity of family, the invaluable importance of family and the love that is shared among its members, and the universal “no matter what happens we love you” kind of love. This is the foundation for any human being and no entity on this earth can make laws that break up the family. We support comprehensive immigration reform.” Edward Lee, NAKASEC board member: “This immigration reform movement seems to be taking longer than what people expected or what it should be. Meanwhile, 11 million people have suffered too much and for too long.” Sookyung Oh, NAKASEC supporter: “The sacrifice that DJ and Mr. Jung are making is immeasurable. They are true movement builders. As a Korean American who also wants justice for all, visiting DJ, Mr. Jung and the others fasters inspired me to keep moving forward.” |
Youth Solidarity Fast for CIR and a Pathway to Citizenship
YOUTH and Allies!!!
Participate in a 3-week evening or dinner fast AND/OR one-day solidarity fast.
November 21, 2013 – December 12, 2013
Why are we fasting?
The purpose of this national youth fast is to stand in solidarity with the 11 million undocumented immigrants who must constantly live with a fear of deportation and face struggles with family separation. This is a solidarity fast initiated in relation to the Fast for Families campaign held in Washington, DC (November 12 to December 12).
Millions of immigrants are separated from their families due to deportations, family backlogs, and other obstacles with access to citizenship. Despite Thanksgiving being a family holiday and a time when families come together, many immigrant families are not able to come together due to the country’s broken immigration system. Therefore, the youth who participate in this fast pledge to also abstain from Thanksgiving dinner as a part of this three-week fast.
Why I Join the fast – Mr. Jung
“Who is my neighbor?”
Jesus replied, “A man fell victim to robbers as he went down from Jerusalem to Jericho. They stripped and beat him and went off leaving him half-dead. A priest happened to be going down that road, but when he saw him, he passed by on the opposite side. Likewise a Levite came to the place, and when he saw him, he passed by on the opposite side.
But a Samaritan traveler who came upon him was moved with compassion at the sight. He approached the victim, poured oil and wine over his wounds and bandaged them. Then he lifted him up on his own animal, took him to an in and cared for him.
Gospel of Luke, 10:30-34
The United States is said to be a world superpower.
A powerful nation is not simply a nation with powerful weapons. It is a nation with healthy citizens and a healthy society. I think of a healthy society as one in which individual members of the society are able to engage in free expression and enterprise.
There have been numerous studies showing that if we provide an opportunity towards citizenship for the millions of undocumented workers who are already active in different industries of the economy, the U.S. economy will be strengthened, and in turn improving the society and the nation.
The United States is said to be a democracy.
The nation should operate within the frames of fair laws – laws that are unfair should be repealed and amended so that the rules of this society are equal for all. A law can’t be catered to a single individual or a select few.
Our broken immigration system is forcing immigrants into an undocumented status where they are no longer able to pursue normal economic activity. We must fix this broken immigration system, and bring those who became undocumented out of the shadows, so that they are active in society. Continue reading
Fast for Families Orange County
Starting on Monday, November 18th, 11 individuals will begin a weeklong fast for immigration reform in Downtown Brea in Orange County, California. These individuals will fast not out of anger or despair, not simply to change the votes of those against us, but also to change their hearts and minds. Not to call attention to our own suffering, but to demonstrate the suffering caused by a broken immigration system and to resolve the moral crisis that arises when a nation of immigrants refuses to help those in need.
On behalf of the Korean Resource Center, we ask you to support these fasters and comprehensive immigration reform. Today, 11 million undocumented immigrants, including 1.1 million Asian Americans and 1 in 7 Korean Americans – a population live in constant fear of being separated from their family, struggle to achieve economic stability, and are unable to realize the American dream. Today, many American families must wait decades to be reunited with their loved ones.
Now is the critical time to support a comprehensive immigration reform that:
1. Provides a clear, affordable and timely roadmap to citizenship.
2. Keeps family members together by reducing backlogs and preserving family immigration.
3. Promotes immigrant integration services.
4. Protects all workers and Preserves civil liberties and due process rights for all. Continue reading
Pro-immigration reform groups launch the national 30-day “Fast for Families” in DC on Tuesday, November 12. Dae Joong Yoon, the executive director of NAKASEC (National Korean American Service & Education Consortium), is one of the seven fasters to kick-off the 30-days.
Why I am Joining the Fast:
Click here to read Dae Joong’s statement.
To learn more about the “Fast for Families”, please visit: Fast4Families.org