Community (지역 사회)

Interested in signing on to the campaign for immigration reform?

Please complete the below online sign on form.


[googleapps domain=”docs” dir=”forms/d/1gwoIIoJELvk6YJWhvogUZes_LEF16Crg0ZTb9ZK0HL0/viewform” query=”embedded=true” width=”760″ height=”500″ /]

Interested in reaching out to others in your community?

Below are campaign materials (Request Letters and Sign-on Forms) to share with your co-workers, friends or family members.  Or share the below link to the online form. Feel free to use these templates and adjust the information to fit the needs of your personal network.


Printable Materials:

Please check back for more material resources.

Community Request Letter (ENG)

Community Request Letter (KOR)

Community Sign-on Letter (ENG)

Community Sign-on Letter (KOR)

Interested in becoming more involved??

아래의 활동에 참여가 가능하십니까?

1. Participating in legislative visits or media events (before Thanksgiving). (Contact )

의원 사무실 방문 또는 언론 대상 활동 (11월경)

2. Displaying a flyer in support of immigration reform outside of my home. (Click here)

이민개혁 지지 포스터 전시

3. Distributing immigration reform campaign materials to my personal network. (Click here)

이민 개혁 지지 서명 용지 배포